“Electronic Databases Research Methods” Workshop
Manama : Specialist of Digital and Learning Sources at the Arabian Gulf University (AGU) Library Athra Al-Alwai reviewed the methods of acquiring research skills and digital resources to help students soundly adapt to the info environment and to identify sources of information during a workshop held on the topic “Electronic Databases Research Methods”.
She also discussed the use of electronic databases in the full text for postgraduate students in the fields of educational studies such as the gifted education programme, disability and autism program and learning disability program.
Dr Nadia Tazi, Professor of Social and Cognitive Psychology and coordinator of the Learning Disabilities programme at the College of Graduate Studies, AGU, said that this workshop aimed to introduce new researchers at the College of Graduate Studies to mechanisms in AGU’s digital library, training them in scientific research methods in databases and knowledge sources.
She explained that the workshop will open broad horizons for researchers to draw their future research plans. In addition, Al-Alawi demonstrated methods of searching the library’s automated index, accessing books, references and sources of information.
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