*** Russia and Japan ‘far from partners’: Lavrov | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Russia and Japan ‘far from partners’: Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said yesterday that Moscow and Tokyo are still “far from being partners” despite renewed efforts to resolve a decades-old conflict over disputed islands. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe are to meet in Moscow next week for talks on The four strategic islands seized by the Soviet army in the final days of World War II.

Lavrov, speaking during an annual conference, set a confrontational tone ahead of the talks. w“We are still far not only from being partners in international relations but also in finding constructive ways to make our relations better,” Lavrov said. “Why is Japan the only country in the world that cannot accept the results of World War II in their entirety?” He said recognising the results of the war was not an ultimatum, but “an unavoidable part of the modern international system”.

Lavrov met this week with his Japanese counterpart Taro Kono and demanded that Tokyo recognise Moscow’s sovereignty over the Kuril islands for talks on ending hostilities to continue. On Wednesday he said that, as well as the islands dispute, Japan’s pro-Western position was also harming relations between Moscow and Tokyo. “Japan votes not with us but against us on all the resolutions that interest Russia in the UN,” he said.

The disputed Kuril islands, one of which lies less than 10 kilometres (six miles) from Japan’s Hokkaido, consist of Kunashir, Iturup, Shikotan and Habomai. Three are inhabited while Habomai is a group of islets with only the presence of a border patrol. In 1956 Japan and the Soviet Union signed a document which stipulated that the USSR was willing to cede Shikotan and Habomai following a signed peace agreement, but Japan demanded all four islands.