*** Indian athletes bound for Rio Olympics are left without food supplements | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Indian athletes bound for Rio Olympics are left without food supplements

With barely seven months to go before the Rio Olympics, Indian athletes are sweating it out - but for all the wrong reasons. 

Caught in the crossfire between the Sports Authority of India (SAI) and various sports federations, athletes are in dire need of food supplements. 

Since October 2015, athletes at national camps have been denied dietary supplements. Several of them have already qualified for the Games. 

Mail Today has learnt that some are paying from their own pockets to get food supplements, while the sports federations and SAI are yet to reach a consensus over the policy of ‘procurement of supplements’. 

An athlete, who has qualified for Rio Olympics, told Mail Today he has not been provided any supplements for months now, which is adversely affecting his preparations. 

“We are expected to compete with the best athletes in the world, but the conditions under which we train are pathetic. Health supplements are an essential part of an athlete’s diet. I don’t complain to these officials out of fear,” he said. 

Another athlete said the policy on supplements has never been a clear one. 

“For some time, they asked us to buy our own supplements and then get reimbursed. Later, they provided supplements at the camps. Now, we are left in a lurch. We have been asked not to buy supplements and they are also not providing us any,” he said. 

When Athletics Federation of India (AFI) chief coach Bahadur Singh was contacted, he said he was aware of the problem. 

“I know no athlete has been getting supplements since October. But I think the issue will be sorted out soon,” Singh said. 

An athlete said they have been spending more than Rs 10,000 to 15,000 from their own pockets to take care of their dietary requirements. 

“Once when I brought up the issue with an official he chided me saying I was not the only one suffering. I stopped asking after that. This is a huge burden on us,” he said. 

A senior SAI official said it has been more than a year that various sports federations have been told to procure supplements for athletes on their own. 

“SAI has sent a detailed circular to all federations regarding the procurement of supplements. If they are sleeping on it, you cannot blame us,” he said. 

On October 8, SAI had issued another letter to various federations outlining in detail the procurement procedure. This was mainly to ensure athletes take only prescribed dietary and nutritional supplements. 

In response, the AFI, in a letter dated December 7, said the guidelines were not in tune with the current practices adopted by various athletes. 

“The list is obsolete and not in sync with the current practices adopted by athletes and experts,” the letter, signed by AFI secretary CK Valson and Chairman of Medical Committee Arun K Mendiratta, read. 

The letter, a copy of which is with Mail Today, said the list of supplements was generic and not athlete-specific. 

“In track and field the requirement are for athlete-specific and event-specific which has not been incorporated in the said circular list,” the letter added. 

“A detailed discussion on the issue is required immediately and I look forward to your response on this important matter as time is running out for the preparations of our athletes for the Olympics,” it said. 

The letter contains a list of items that has been recommended by one of the national athletics coaches to the AFI. It says supplements need to be “purchased and delivered to the camp as soon as possible.” 

With nine medals in the two previous Olympics in Beijing and London, Indian sports seemed to have woken up from slumber. A fresh band of sporting heroes who battled all adversities had emerged, and there were hopes that another glorious chapter for Indian sports would soon unfold. 

But our top athletes still struggle to train for Rio; the odds are clearly not in their favour.
