*** ----> Brazilian defense minister lambasts Olympics planning | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Brazilian defense minister lambasts Olympics planning

Rio de Janeiro: The defense minister in Brazil's new interim government harshly criticized security preparations for the Rio Olympics less than three months away, and said in a Brazilian newspaper interview that foreign intelligence agencies were curtailing cooperation.

"There's been a lack of federal attention up until now," said the minister, Raul Jungmann, who was appointed by acting president Michel Temer after president Dilma Rousseff was suspended last week pending her impeachment trial.

Jungmann told O Estado de S. Paulo daily on Tuesday that budget cuts had hit transport for more than 100 high-level guests and their entourages, as well as communications. He also aimed fire at intelligence gathering, which is considered vital for preventing terror attacks.

"There has been a pulling back by intelligence organizations from other countries because the federal government did not take care of this issue," he said.

Meanwhile, the new sports minister, Leonardo Picciani, said that Temer had had a "very positive" phone conversation with International Olympic Committee head Thomas Bach in which they discussed "all the Brazilian government's guarantees for the Games, including security."

The Rio Olympics open on August 5 in the Maracana stadium.