*** ----> Pressure behind US relay blunder - Jamaica | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Pressure behind US relay blunder - Jamaica

Rio de Janerio : Jamaica's victorious 4x100m relay team stuck the boot into their American rivals by accusing them of choking after they were disqualified in Friday's Olympic final.

Usain Bolt anchored the world record holders home to complete a hat-trick of titles after Beijing and London, but American woe continued as they were stripped of their bronze for an illegal changeover.

To add insult to injury, Justin Gatlin and his team mates had completed a full lap of honour draped in American flags, dancing and posing for photos, before being informed they were out.

Gatlin looked aghast after the race, but their Jamaican foes showed them little mercy in the post-race press conference.

Asked for their thoughts on the latest American flop, Asafa Powell chimed: "Pressure! Pressure!" as Bolt, Yohan Blake and Nickel Ashmeade burst into laughter.

"I think they're more focused on beating us than running a proper race," shrugged Powell. "So yes, it's the pressure of beating Jamaica."

The Americans have won 15 of 24 Olympic titles in the men's 4x100m but have failed to medal since the 2004 Athens Games.

They were stipped of their silver medal in London four years ago after Tyson Gay tested positive for a banned substance.

"They said Justin Gatlin got the stick before the exchange zone," said Gay.

"I don't really know the rules but I know if you get it before, you're DQ'd. That happened to us in 2009 if I'm not mistaken.

"It has to be the worst luck for this country ever," he added. "It's always something weird, stupid. Simple mistakes always cost us.

"Hell, we already did the victory lap and then when we talked to TV, they told us."

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