*** Russian Lysenko stripped of 2012 hammer gold | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Russian Lysenko stripped of 2012 hammer gold

Lausanne : The International Olympic Committee stripped Russia's Tatyana Lysenko of her London 2012 hammer gold medal on Tuesday for doping following a re-analysis of her drug-test samples.

The 33-year-old becomes the latest athlete to be caught with the IOC carrying out a wave of retests of stored samples from the 2008 Beijing and 2012 London Games in an effort to clean up athletics.

Lysenko, also double world champion in 2011 and 2013, tested positive for the steroid turinabol, the IOC said in a statement.

The Russian had finished ahead of Rio gold medallist Anita Wlodarczyk of Poland and Germany's Betty Heidler at the London Games. China's Zhang Wenxiu came fourth and all three could be upgraded after the IOC requested the IAAF amend the results.

The Russian track and field team, which was barred from the Rio Olympics in August because of state-sponsored doping, has already been stripped of its women's 4x100m gold at Beijing as well as silver medals in the women's 4x400, javelin and shot put.

Last week, London Olympic champion high jumper Anna Chicherova also lost her bronze medal she won at the 2008 Games after a re-analysis found the Russian also took a banned substance.