*** Bartoli looking forward to return | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bartoli looking forward to return

Paris : Former Wimbledon champion Marion Bartoli just wants to enjoy herself and play big matches when she returns to competitive tennis in March after more than four years in retirement.

The Frenchwoman quit tennis in 2013 weeks after winning her maiden grand slam title at Wimbledon, saying her body could no longer cope with the demands of the sport. She contracted a serious virus last year and feared for her life.

The 33-year-old said she had been psychologically damaged by a relationship that pushed her to lose a lot of weight, resulting in her being barred from playing in an invitational event at Wimbledon in 2016.

“I let myself get destroyed by someone and I did not think it was possible,” Bartoli told French sports daily L’Equipe.

“When I retired, I was the happiest in the world. Then I met my ex boyfriend in May 2014 and everyday he would tell me that I was fat. Every day. He would see a thin girl on the street and tell me: ‘See how skinny and pretty she is’.”

Bartoli plans to return in March in Miami if she is in shape. 

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