*** ----> Bennett zooming toward 1st World Cup podium | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bennett zooming toward 1st World Cup podium

Looking back, Bryce Bennett realizes the risk his parents took to launch his ski racing career.

The American downhiller needed extra funding. His parents offered to take out a second mortgage on their house to provide that necessary capital. He took them up on it after one affirming question: Was he sure?

"I'm like, ‘For sure. I got this,’" Bennett recounted. "They’re like, ‘OK, then.’"

Bennett’s repaying that faith in full. The 6-foot-7 racer from Squaw Valley, California, is coming off his most lucrative season yet in finishing seventh overall in the World Cup downhill standings.

His ambitions have now reached even greater heights  that first World Cup podium spot of his career. He’s got a chance this weekend when the tour stops in Beaver Creek, Colorado, The Associated Press (AP) reported.

"I’ve never been in a position where I’m potentially ‘that guy.’ This is new territory for me," said the 27-year-old Bennett, who’s among the top contenders in the Birds of Prey downhill race Saturday. "I’m going to have to deal with it. I’m going to try to do everything possible to ski as fast as possible every weekend. Hopefully my plan will put me on the podium."

To even be in this position, he needed some early financial backing from his parents, Stan and Mary. About a decade ago and before he was on the US ski team, he was racing on basically the minor-league circuit, just hoping to gain some notice.

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