*** ----> China says Arsenal’s Ozil ‘deceived by fake news’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

China says Arsenal’s Ozil ‘deceived by fake news’

China accused Mesut Ozil yesterday of being “deceived by fake news” and said he should visit Xinjiang to see for himself after the Arsenal footballer decried the treatment of the region’s Uighur minority.

Ozil, a German national of Turkish origin, condemned China’s crackdown on Muslim minorities in the western region in a tweet Friday and criticised Muslim countries for failing to speak up about the alleged abuses.

Arsenal have distanced themselves from his comments, but the English Premier League club’s 3-0 home defeat to Manchester City on Sunday was pulled from Chinese TV by state broadcaster CCTV.

The furore, which has potentially damaging repercussions for Arsenal and the Premier League in the lucrative Chinese market, follows the opprobrium heaped on the NBA in October after Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey tweeted his support for Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters.

“I don’t know if Mr. Ozil has been to Xinjiang himself. But it seems he has been deceived by fake news, and that his judgment was influenced by untruthful remarks,” foreign ministry spokes - man Geng Shuang said. “If Mr. Ozil has the opportunity, we will be pleased to see him going to Xinjiang and having a look,” Geng said.