*** ----> Mzwandile Hlongwa to take on Dom Schober at BRAVE CF 44, Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Mzwandile Hlongwa to take on Dom Schober at BRAVE CF 44, Bahrain


The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Mzwandile Hlongwa, a passionate martial artist, worked as a bartender, but his obsession with martial arts prompted him to practice his hobby even while at work. While practicing martial arts in the bar and after kicking the fridge, his boss had enough of him and fired him. It was a blessing in disguise for Hlongwa, who is set to travel to Bahrain to compete for the first time in the Kingdom on November 5th.

One of the biggest prospects in Africa, he will take on Dom Schober in a Middleweight bout at BRAVE CF 44. After losing his job, he knew he had to quit trying to have a ‘normal job’ and follow his passion for martial arts.“I used to kick the fridge, tables and other things as I loved practicing martial arts at all times. But my boss did not like this habit and I was soon fired.” he said. He was not too disappointed to lose that job as he did not like working there. It was his love for martial arts that he wanted to follow. It was a passion that he fostered from an early age.

“I had been practicing karate since I was a child. It was something that I loved doing. My family were involved in teaching me Karate and I was quick to learn it” “My father is a black belt in Karate and my big brother was also hugely into Karate. They motivated me very well” But it was not an easy journey as he grew up with meagre means.

“I grew up in a rural area. I enjoyed my life there but it was not easy. Especially when compared to the city life, it is certainly very different. I did not have any equipment to train, I used to kick the trees for practice.” Now, he has made his whole village proud after signing for BRAVE CF as he became the first person from his village to travel abroad. “Nobody from my village has travelled out and working with an international organization like BRAVE CF was unthinkable but it has become a reality for me” Now, Mzandile is preparing for the biggest fight of his career as he faces Schober in BRAVE CF’s return to Bahrain.

The fight, he says, could be the fight of the night. “This is going to be an exciting fight because both of us have a great fighting style. It’s going to be an entertaining fight, one that fans will love”.