*** ----> UEFA backs Platini's right to defend himself | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

UEFA backs Platini's right to defend himself

UEFA said it supports suspended president Michel Platini's right to defend himself against corruption allegations following an emergency meeting in Nyon, Switzerland on Thursday.

 However, European football's governing body stopped short of expressing categoric support for their underfire president.

 "We support Michel Platini's right to a due process and a fair trial and to the opportunity to clear his name," said secretary general Gianni Infantino at a press conference following the emergency meeting.

 "We strongly call on all instances involved in the current process: FIFA's Ethics Committee, FIFA's Appeal Committee and ultimately the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) to work very rapidly to ensure that there is a final decision on the merits of the case by, at the latest, mid-November 2015."

 Platini was not allowed to attend the meeting, which was chaired by vice-president Angel Maria Villar Llona, but Infantino said the 60-year-old Frenchman's lawyer made a presentation both to the UEFA executive committee in the morning and the full emergency meeting in the afternoon to explain Platini's situation.

 Infantino also said that UEFA's 54 member associations were unanimous in agreeing that FIFA's congress in February, where a successor to suspended president Sepp Blatter will be elected, should not be delayed.

 Platini's hopes of succeeding Blatter have been hit by his 90-day suspension from all football-related activities as he is unable to campaign.

 Infantino said there was support for Platini the man, but made no mention of his FIFA candidacy or his UEFA presidency.

 "There were different opinions expressed but everyone supports Mr Platini as a person for all that he's doing as UEFA president and for European football in his career," added Infantino.

 "There was really a big support on this fact. More generally, as well, there was really the wish of not condemning anyone based on media articles.

 "The truth at the end will be the truth decided by the independent body. There is an independent body recognised by all sports associations and it is CAS."

 Platini, a frontrunner to take over from Blatter, is being investigated over a $2 million (1.8 million euros) payment made to him by Blatter in 2011 for consultancy work performed years earlier.

 Blatter, who is also suspended as part of a Swiss criminal investigation, has already said he will step down as FIFA president, a post he has held since 1998.