*** UEFA still in talks about foreign fans for Euro 2020 final | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

UEFA still in talks about foreign fans for Euro 2020 final

AP | London

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

UEFA is in talks with the British government about allowing foreign soccer fans to fly into London for games in the latter stages of the

European Championship to avoid moving them from Wembley Stadium.

The competition’s organizers have a contingency plan which involves taking the semifinals and final to Budapest if an agreement cannot be reached with authorities in London about exempting fans from quarantine. 

The Euro 2020 semifinals and final are scheduled to be played at Wembley Stadium from June 6-11, said an AP report. 

Because of a rise in coronavirus cases, plans to lift more coronavirus restrictions in England this month were paused until July 19. But UEFA did still secure a rise in attendance from about 22,000 to at least 40,000 for one round of 16 games, the semifinals and the final at Wembley.

UEFA has already requested that some broadcasters and representatives of sponsors are allowed to attend the games, abiding by restrictions on movement.

Tourists from all participating countries have to quarantine for at least five days when entering Britain at the moment.

 “We understand the pressures that the government face and hope to be able to reach a satisfactory conclusion of our discussions on the matter,” UEFA said. “There is always a contingency plan but we are confident that the final week will be held in London.”