*** ----> Ibrahim Mane unhappy with scorecards in BRAVE CF 55 fight versus Artur Sviridov | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Ibrahim Mane unhappy with scorecards in BRAVE CF 55 fight versus Artur Sviridov

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

A few days have passed since the enthralling encounter between Ibrahim Mane and Artur Sviridov at BRAVE CF 55 in Rostov-on-Don, Russia settled with an anticlimactic draw, but the feeling of unease still remains for the 32-year-old Frenchman.

It was a close contest that pushed both men to the limit across three intense rounds of action, and many felt Mane had done enough to win on the scorecards. However, the three judges sitting at the cageside submitted three identical scores of 29-29 across the board.

Mane believes that he won the fight, regardless of what the scoring officials collectively decided on their respective sheets over the weekend. “How do I explain to my supporters that I suffered heavy injustice as a fighter? Getting the win last Saturday really was the goal, but the judges saw a different fight.

Now, I know what to do in my next fight. I should never leave it in the hands of the judges,” he stated. In the first round of the match, Sviridov presented several problems to Mane, attacking his opponent with various spinning kicks and quick striking combinations.

Unfortunately for Sviridov, Mane gained an upper hand in the second frame, where his strikes found their mark and he came close to wrapping up the contest with a front kick. With Mane establishing a slight edge in the stand-up, the Russian changed levels and landed a takedown midway through the third stanza, which could have arguably allowed him to win the round.

But Mane countered and fastened a deep Kimura lock attempt, but the Russian’s resiliency allowed him to get out of the submission threat. Ultimately, the judges agreed for a unanimous draw that didn’t sit well with “Ibra Kumite.” “I’m not happy about this decision.

I’m working everyday for that so I’m very not happy for that,” Mane stated. BRAVE CF has yet to announce if the promotion will call for a formal review of the aforementioned super welterweight bout or if both men will settle it in an immediate rematch.