*** ----> Bahrain face Philippines in Goodwill Basketball Game today | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain face Philippines in Goodwill Basketball Game today

TDT | Manama                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com   

Bahrain and the Philippines are set to face each other today, setting the stage for the 10th Goodwill Basketball Game which will be held at 7:30 pm at the Khalifa Sports City Stadium in Isa Town.

This was according to Daryll Soriano, Head of the PBBL Organizing Committee.

The Bahrain National Basketball Team will face off with the PBA All-Star Legends of the Philippines during this friendly match.

The PBA All-Star legends who arrived in Bahrain from the Philippines yesterday included Allan Caidic, Marc Pingris, JJ Heltherbrand, Rico Mairhofer, Gherome Ejercito, Cyrus Baguio, EJ Fiehl, John Ferriols, Sunday Salvacion and Roger Yap Jr. Prior to this, the PBBL Organizing Committee led by Soriano, paid a courtesy call to Charge d’ Affaires, a.i.

Anne Jalando-on Louis at the Philippine Embassy to brief her about tonight’s friendly match between Bahrain and the Philippines.

The event will highlight the friendship and cooperation between the two countries who are celebrating the 45th anniversary of their diplomatic relations.