*** ----> Bahrain to host 2024 world weightlifting championships | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain to host 2024 world weightlifting championships

TDT | Manama                                                

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com     

Bahrain has been awarded the right to host the 2024 edition of the IWF World Championships.

This was announced yesterday following the vote of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) Executive Board, held in Havana, Cuba, on the sidelines of the IWF Grand Prix, the third qualifier for the Paris Olympic Games 2024.

Bahrain’s bid to host next year’s worlds garnered more support than the two other candidatures for next year’s top IWF event, namely Yerevan in Armenia and Tirana in Albania.

The 2024 IWF World Championships will be held in November/December, some months after the conclusion of the Paris Olympics.

It will be the biggest weightlifting championship ever staged in Bahrain, following the Kingdom’s successful hosting of the 2022 Asian Championships.

Bahrain Weightlifting Federation president Eshaq Ebrahim Eshaq led a three-person delegation from Bahrain at the Havana vote.

He commented: “I sincerely thank the IWF Executive Board for the support and trust in our bid. “We promise we will not disappoint you! We will deliver a top-class event and the entire IWF Family will live an unforgettable experience in Bahrain.”

For 2025, the host of the IWF showcase, Norway, had already been awarded in December 2021.