*** ----> India’s Rahul out of Asia Cup clash with Pakistan | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

India’s Rahul out of Asia Cup clash with Pakistan

AFP | New Delhi

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Earlier this month, Jose Torres finally reached the top of the mountain in BRAVE Combat Federation. He became the king of the bantamweight division, and he did so by grinding out a hard fought split decision win over Nkosi Ndebele.

It was the kind of performance that showed the heart we all know “Shorty” has, but in equal measure, it marked the culmination of a five-year journey that began when he first signed for the promotion.

Along the way, Torres hasn’t had the easiest of journeys. From injuries to struggles with his mental health and beyond, the one constant in his life has always been the support he’s had from his family.

Jose’s parents always made sure to push him to be better, his brother served as a “good bad role model,” and the south side of Chicago certainly helped him understand what it means to be a fighter.

Unfortunately, back in 2019, tragedy struck when he lost his father. Now, less than four years later, he’s taken the time to visit his grave and show off his incredible achievement.

“I have a mixture of emotions. I’m really, really happy I got to bring him the belt, something he always wanted to see. I’m just sad he can’t physically be here to cherish it, hold it, hold me, and just enjoy the moment.

But, with that being said, a mixture of emotions, and I’m doing well.” “I’m gonna get plenty more belts.

There’s gonna be another belt on my shoulder, and there’s gonna be an epic picture at the end of my career with as many belts as I can possibly have that says I was this many-times world champ.

I’m gonna make Canelo jealous! That’s my goal.”