*** ----> Bahraini Sami Ghazwan triumphs in Saudi showjumping championship | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini Sami Ghazwan triumphs in Saudi showjumping championship

TDT | Manama                                                    

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Bahraini veteran athlete Sami Ghazwan has secured first place in the Saudi Arabia International Show Jumping Championship held in the capital city of Riyadh, featuring wide participation from athletes around the world.

Ghazwan managed to claim his third victory in Saudi Arabia with skill and merit, amidst strong competition from prominent participants, including German David Weil and Kuwaiti Ali Al Kharafi, the champion of multiple championships.

Sami Ghazwan outperformed all the athletes in the stage, finishing the round with exceptional speed, posting a time of 58.98 seconds, while Saudi participant Faisal Al Oudah came second in a time of 62.80 seconds.

Saudi athlete Abdullah Al Farai took the third position with a time of 63.01 seconds, and Al Kharafi secured fourth position with a time of 63.34 seconds. Sami Ghazwan expressed his great happiness in achieving his third victory in Saudi Arabia, after previously securing first place in two other occasions.

He affirmed his commitment to maintain the same level of performance to solidify the position of Bahraini show jumping and showcase the high potential of Bahraini participants.