*** ----> Hoor Fatima triumphs in Bahrain Blitz Tournament on National Sports Day | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Hoor Fatima triumphs in Bahrain Blitz Tournament on National Sports Day

TDT | Manama                                                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

In a remarkable feat, Hoor Fatima, a four-year-old chess prodigy, secured the second position and earned a prized medal in the under-six category at the Blitz Tournament 2024.

The event, held to commemorate National Sports Day, garnered praise for its successful organization and the promotion of chess among the budding talents of Bahrain.

Hoor Fatima received accolades from Ebrahim AlBurshaid, General Secretary of the Bahrain Chess Federation.

AlBurshaid expressed admiration for Hoor’s early foray into chess, stating, “Her early interest and involvement in chess are inspiring, not just to her peers but to all of us in the Bahrain Chess Federation and the wider chess community.” T

he Chess Championship Academy’s Coach, Maleeha Al Jamri, lauded Hoor as an incredible child with a deep passion for chess.

Expressing gratitude, Salma Ashai, Hoor Fatima’s mother, thanked the support of the Royal Humanitarian Foundation, Chess Championship Academy, and the Bahrain Chess Federation.

Hoor Fatima’s remarkable achievements at such a tender age continue to captivate the chess community, setting the stage for a bright future as she advances in her chess endeavors.

The Kingdom of Bahrain celebrates the rising star, Hoor Fatima, and eagerly anticipates her continued success on the chessboard.

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