*** ----> Hamilton says struggling Mercedes have found ‘North Star’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Hamilton says struggling Mercedes have found ‘North Star’

AFP | Imola

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Seven-time champion Lewis Hamilton offered an upbeat view on Mercedes’ future prospects yesterday when he said the team had finally found their “North Star” in the prolonged effort to develop their car.

The Briton, without a win since the 2021 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix, said he was encouraged by the directional breakthrough and both the energy and resilience of the team.

Speaking ahead of this weekend’s Emilia Romagna Grand Prix, the first race in Europe this year after six flyaway rounds around the world, Hamilton and his Mercedes team-mate George Russell said they were impressed by the durability of their team.

Mercedes have struggled for performance and have yet to register a podium finish this season.

“There is a long way to go,” said Hamilton. “But I am excited with what I know we have coming in the pipeline now. We have found our North Star and we know what we want to do and what to change.

“The energy in the team is amazing. They are so resilient and continue to push all the time even though we have been knocked down quite a few times this year.” Hamilton, who has won six of his drivers titles with Mercedes, is set to leave the team and join Ferrari next year.