BAIC BJ80: A Luxurious Off-Roader Takes Bahrain by Storm

Email : editor@newsofbahrain.com Bahrain’s automotive enthusiasts were treated to a thrilling launch last week as the BAIC BJ80 and 8 other BAIC models were officially introduced at the brand new BAIC showroom in Tubli. T...

Thankfulness and Your Tummy

Email : editor@newsofbahrain.com It hit me like a brick! It was difficult to swal low the fact that I had wrecked my gut health. What followed were months of acid reflux, a painful stomach, and constipation leading to severe bouts of anxiety. “How did this hap pen to me?” I qu...

Seven-Year-Old Coding Prodigy Receives Job Offer from Russian IT Firm

Email : editor@newsofbahrain.com A seven-year-old coding sensation from St. Petersburg has made waves in the tech world after receiving a job offer from a Russian software company. Sergey, who has been posting coding tutorials online since the age of five, has been invited by Pro32, an in...