*** JK Rowling vandalised her hotel room to celebrate finishing writing the Harry Potter | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

JK Rowling vandalised her hotel room to celebrate finishing writing the Harry Potter

J.K. Rowling lives her life mostly by the book but the straight-talking star confessed to being guilty of some anti-social behaviour herself on Monday.

The Harry Potter author held her hands up high, revealing she celebrated finishing writing the popular wizard book series by vandalising her hotel room in a Twitter post marking the ninth anniversary of the poignant day.

'Finished Hallows 9 yrs ago today. Celebrated by graffiti-ing a bust in my hotel room. Never do this. It's wrong (sic),' Rowling captioned the image of the aforementioned etching.

The picture depicted the 50-year-old novelist's permanent marking on a marble panel in The Balmoral hotel in Scotland in which she stayed while penning the seventh and final installment of the fantasy literature series.

'Finished writing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in this room (552) on 11th Jan. 2007,' it read, along with her signature.

Following Rowling's extended stay, the traditional Scottish accommodation renamed the room the J.K. Rowling suite in her honour.

According to the website, it features her writing desk and a marble bust of Hermes, the Greek god of travel, signed by Rowling herself.

Additionally, the door knocker is a brass owl - mimicking Harry's pet owl Hedwig.

Meanwhile, Rowling - who boasts a $1 billion fortune - recently splashed some cash, treating herself to a luxury yacht previously belonging to Johnny Depp which set her back a cool £22 million. 


She was wooed by the lavish yet charming 156ft liner after holidaying onboard with husband Neil Murray and their two children David, 12, and Mackenzie, ten.

The Sun reports the writer will use the vessel for family holidays with her husband, two boys and daughter Jessica, 22, from her first marriage.

There is certainly enough space for everyone with the impressive yacht containing five cabins, a spacious master saloon and plenty of entertainment for all tastes.

It comes complete with waterski, wakeboard, windsurf, kayak and snorkeling capabilities and its entertainment system boasts a home cinema, satellite TV, Hifi and video games. 

Photo:andrew monagomery