*** ----> Woman sues eBay for denying right to sell plots on Sun | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Woman sues eBay for denying right to sell plots on Sun


 A 54-year-old Spanish woman banned from selling plots on the Sun on eBay has sued the e-commerce giant. Maria Duran, from Vigo in the Spanish region of Galicia, has been claiming ownership of part of the Sun since 2010 when she threatened to bill solar power users.

The woman registered the star in her name at a notary office in Spain, before opening an eBay account selling square-metre plots for a euro each. But two years later eBay pulled her listings, noting it violated its intangible goods policy and her account was blocked. She threatened to sue and now one Spanish cour has reportedly recognized her.

 A trial will take place next month, with Duran demanding around £7,500 for payments she says she has not received. Duran has rejected attempt by eBay to set tle the case out of court.

 She continues to sell plots on the Sun on her own website.

 Duran said that while there is an international agreement which says no country can claim owner ship of a planet or star, she is an individual and is no bound by the agreement.