*** ----> Is technology impairing children's social skills? | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Is technology impairing children's social skills?

Manama: The Internet entered our daily lives about 20 years ago and has now become an indispensable part of our lives. The conveniences and luxury brought forth by it cannot be denied, but at the same time the inconveniences caused by it can’t be ignored either.

Children are among the worst affected by tech addiction. Over-exposure to screen-based technology can erode their memory and decrease their attention span.

It is also difficult to get today’s children to go out and play. Being used to the advanced technology, going out to just play is seen as nothing but a waste of time, a rather mundane task. Why go out when you can stay indoors and have fun while spending minimal energy?

One of the reasons behind this could be increased usage of social media and online video games. While they may be experts in maintaining healthy relationships online, in real life it may not hold true. 

DT News had consulted a few students on their opinion of whether the surge of technology has deprived the future generation of their social skills and this is what they had to say:


“It would only be fair to say that boom of modern day technology paired with online social networking has captured the youth. As a result of this, children are addicted to tech gadgets, social media and online games. What this has done is block all ways for means of socialising and in the real world, with real people, instead of ‘profile pictures.’ For all you know our Mister and Miss Popular on Facebook might be an introvert in real life. After all who is to know?” said Jay Sengupta, a student.


Another student Sharon Simon said that tech addiction reduces interactions with actual human beings.

“It is true that tech addiction has impaired children’s social skills. It’s all about priorities in life. When a person is heavily addicted to their devices, he or she will naturally spend less time with their family and friends. We are all into it; unknowingly most of us are addicted to it, even me. We can’t blame anyone because the world has changed. The time of phone calls and letters are gone, there are much more convenient alternatives that are both faster and cheaper,” Simon added.

It is important to recognise if your little ones are addicted to technology. Here are some signs that should raise an immediate red flag in your internal alarm system: 

1) The increased and persistent use of the device.

2) Throwing temper tantrums when the request to use a gadget is denied.

3) Withdrawal from social activities and others (going to bed, requesting to go home early) to continue using the device.

4) Excessive obsession over a game and spending real life resources on it.


DT News also took advice from an expert in the field of technology. Dr Jassim Haji, who is the IT administration head in Gulf Air, expressed his opinion on whether technology has played a part in the lack of social skills on children:

“We are proud that our children are tech-savvy from a young age, but technology and high-tech gadgets are extremely addictive. If not controlled and monitored properly, they could obstruct a natural and healthy upbringing. Children get immersed in technology and ignore the interactions and communications in real life. Social interaction with others is reduced, and children build a false sense of safety in their isolation. With time, children will take that to be the norm, and then they lack the understanding and appreciation of so many other signals that form a critical part of communication. The damage and outcome of such addiction is not known yet, we will only get to know in the future after the damage is done,” Haji said.

How can we prevent tech addiction? The following tips should give a head start:

1) Limit a scheduled time to use devices, be it television, computer or phones. Stick to half an hour at a time and look up on the recommended age wise use of it.

2) Build no device zones and times such as while eating or studying.

3) It is just as important to encourage your children to play outside as well. Teach them there is a life outside, which is a lot more fun than in the virtual world.

4) Monitor your child’s activity on the device. Also, take this time to communicate and interact with them.

Let’s not wait for too long before realising how harmful these devices could be for children. Look out for the red flags and take the necessary precautions if needed. These devices used in the right measures cannot go wrong, but use it excessively and it will surely cause trouble.