*** ----> Independence Day 2 has decided to exclude India from their movie | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Independence Day 2 has decided to exclude India from their movie

India has apparently acquired a reputation for being "too sesnitive" and  has been reproached as "taking offence" at anything and everything. 

The heat wave emanating from "their ego" has reached Hollywood and the makers of Independence Day : Resurgence, the sequel to the cult movie of 1996, have decided to exclude India out of their film because Indians are too ‘touchy’.


They were quoted by Mumbai Mirror saying, “Well, Indians are too touchy.Keeping the sensitivities of all the religious groups and other activists in mind, the makers were asked to not shoot in India or portray any prominent monuments being damaged.


The production house, 20th Century Fox put in a request for at least including an attack on the Taj Mahal in one of the movies posters, but that too was rejected.


A lot of other globally prominent monuments are shown being destroyed as the world ends. Like the Eiffel tower and the iconic Burj Khalifa.


And this not the case of just one film.


Adam Sandler’s movie, Pixels was asked to remove the disintegration of Taj Mahal from their movie.


Thy didn’t have anything on their minds besides it looking really cool in the destruction scenes of the movie. Until India took offence, though.