*** It's now time for Eid celebrations | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

It's now time for Eid celebrations

What makes Eid in the country special is the fact that over 200 nationalities bring in their tradition, culture and food to celebrate. Eid cheer, enjoyed by Muslims and non-Muslims alike, resonates throughout the country, creating a festive atmosphere.

While the three-day feast is marked by family gatherings, almost all shopping malls, beaches and parks will be filled with people. You can barely take a step in a shopping mall or get a ticket to your favourite movie.

Children in their finery take to theme parks and play areas in shopping malls. Concerts and live performances are added attractions during the holidays.

While shopping malls and restaurants tend to be favourite destinations, hotels and resorts have seen a significant increase in reservations, too.

The Northern Emirates seems to be a favourite spot for people from Dubai and Abu Dhabi, maybe because of the quietness of the place and the vast beaches and numerous resorts.

The roads may not be jammed with traffic, but cars zooming past with Saudi number plates have become a common sight.

KT photographers Neeraj Murali, Ryan Lim, Juidin Bernarrd and Rahul Gajjar roamed around malls, parks and other hotspots in the UAE on Tuesday to get a glimpse into the celebrations that will be marked today.