*** Braving cancer with alternate medicine | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Braving cancer with alternate medicine

ManamaCancer is a debilitating disease and Maja Westerwaal is determined to fight it in every way possible, except by traditional cancer treatment. 

As a highly experienced alternate medicine practitioner Westerwaal is against mainstream medicine and treatment methods. When she found out about her breast cancer in 2005, she was shocked because she rarely became sick, thanks to her healthy lifestyle. As a person who totally avoids junk food and exercises regularly, she considered herself healthy.

The 67 year old from Netherlands has been fighting cancer for the past 11 years. “I never used to get sick, even my mother remains healthy without going to a doctor, we are both against the traditional medicine. My mother is 90 but you cannot find any medication at home,” she said. She never considered getting traditional treatment, even as an option. But she knew what she needed. In an interview with DT News, she explains how she has been handling the disease. 

What do you tell those who ask you to get a traditional treatment for the cancer?

I tell them that chemotherapy is very harmful. I have seen what it can do. I have helped and nourished people who have had chemotherapy and I know how bad it is. There are a lot of side effects to it, it’s terrible.

As you were treating yourself did you find any improvement at any point?

Yes, the tumour was subsiding and at one point I was getting better. But it came back due to some environmental factors. When I was diagnosed in 2005 the tumour was extremely small and I managed to keep it the same size for a long time thanks to my lifestyle and treatment.

How expensive is it to treat by this method?

I spend BD 2,000 a month on food supplements, organic food and other things. Hence, I could not save money. If I do not do this I can immediately feel the difference. For further treatment I chose a clinic in Mexico, which offers alternative medicine treatment. They have a good track record. But the treatment is expensive. Hence my friends started a campaign to fund for my treatment.

Why do you think about alternate medicine? 

   It’s non-invasive and non-toxic. But it can go wrong if the practitioner is not qualified enough. In Europe and in America homeopathy medicine is available in the pharmacy so some people just diagnose themselves. 

It is also important to note that homeopathy practised in Europe is different form what is practiced in some other parts of the world such as India. 

The Indian homeopathy may be effective for Indians but not as effective for Europeans. 

It is the same with Chinese medicine. It is effective on Chinese people than on anyone in the West or Middle East.