Art for art's sake

It was passion versus academics! But Eman Abbas’ passion for fine arts and photography did not take a back seat even when she realised her talent in Visual Design.

She graduated in Visual Design from Bahrain Polytechnic and decided to take a plunge into the unique possibilities of this field. Eman developed her skills in digital art, with a sketchbook around her at all times drafting her art before making them digital.

 What is more, her degree project was chosen among 20 students to be exhibited in the Bahrain International Garden show. The project was a designed manual on how to do your own organic planting system at home.

Her project design of manual booklet of organic farming system in the international garden show was then exhibited in Bahrain Polytechnic with the support of HRH Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, Wife of HM the King, and the Bahrain International Garden Show.

She has done freelancing work for restaurants, designing and photographing their menus. She also worked with makeup artists and fashion designers.

Eman is now doing fashion and food photography as a freelancer. Her brand of artwork and photography is called FaithArts.

Meet Eman Abbas, who is an astounding talent in photography and digital art


Her goal to develop her art

 Her experience and skills in different art forms are diverse. It keeps pushing Eman to learn more and develop her skills to the fullest. “I prefer my photographs to have a theme that tells a story. An art piece that is not forgettable. What excited me the most about photography is the fantasy aspect of it,” she said.

“Some people read the body language, the colours or the whole story of it. But for me, it is easier to send a message with a photograph, and pay attention to every detail of it while capturing it,” Eman remarked.

 “My mind does not stop thinking about developing my art. I always hold my white sketchbook and register any thought that come to my mind, try to finalise it before applying it on the real scale. I believe that the white paper area gives the mind and the hand to think freely and clearly to develop any skill or any idea,” she observed.

 Commenting on branding her artwork as FaithArts, she said, “FaithArts is what I branded myself with. Faith is the meaning of my Arabic name, I believe that my name is part of my personality where I have the faith to work hard and achieve something in my life and reach my goals.” “I combined it with the word Art as an open word for any kind of art combining photography, fine art and designs.  For future partners, it will be an open field to combine their artworks with mine.”

Eman also shared her inspiration in the work she does. “Inspirations are everywhere, my imagination has always been the most powerful force in my life.

It influences on everything I do. It also surrounds me with nature. I truly belong to the school of nature. It is where I get my inspiration, power and love. That is the core of my artworks,” she added.

Eman is currently working on her portfolio and planning to produce artworks for sale online. Besides, she is also developing and excelling her skills in digital art and other forms of art.




Bride Photography


Beauty FaithArts


A theme based on Jewerally