*** ----> Dietary approaches to stop Hypertension (DASH diet) | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Dietary approaches to stop Hypertension (DASH diet)

Hypertension: “Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of the arteries”. The elevated pressure of blood overtime leads to high blood pressure which is known as “hypertension” in the medical terminology.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is dangerous because it increases the risk  for heart  diseases, diabetes, stroke and kidney failures.  

According to the WHO health data  heart diseases,hypertension and diabetes are leading cause of deaths in Bahrain reported  in 2014.

Diagnosis of Hypertension: Hypertension is defined as systolic blood pressure of 140mm Hg or higher and diastolic blood pressure of 90mm Hg or higher.


Prevention and control of Hypertension: Life style modifications can help in prevention and management of hypertension. This includes:  

 Weight reduction

 Weight reduction in overweight or obese individuals with hypertension enhance in lower blood pressure levels. Weight loss must be done to get positive results on prevention and control of hypertension.

For normal individuals, being physically active is important to get control and prevent hypertension and overall risk for heart diseases and diabetes. Recommended 30-45 min workout can be helpful daily.

Reduce alcohol intake & smoke cessation

Avoid or limit alcohol consumption to < 1oz (30ml) ethanol per day. Alcohol and smoking is associated with higher blood pressures and cause resistance to drugs. 

Reduced sodium and salt intake

Recommended Sodium intake should be <2400mg /day i.e 1 teaspoon/day). Following tips can help you reduce sodium in your diet. 

8Buy fresh, frozen it canned foods with “no added salt”

8Use fresh lean meat, fish and poultry rather canned or processed.

8Use herbs,spices and salt free seasoning in your food.

8Avoid frozen packaged foods like instants soups or salt coated biscuits and nuts.

8Read nutrition label for low sodium content.

Dietary approaches to stop hypertension: (DASH diet)

DASH diet has shown significant effect in lowering high blood pressure.The US National high blood pressure education programme recommends first trying lifestyle modification  for mild to moderate hypertension and then drug therapy to be used in conjunction with diet and life style modifications. 

DASH diet is referred as “diet rich in fruits,vegetables, whole grains and low fat dairy foods with reduced saturated and total fats.” Dash diet targeted nutrients include potassium, magnesium, fibre, calcium,total fat, saturated fat,cholesterol and protein.

Food groups and their serving

8 Grains & its products:

As its a major source for energy and fibre. 7-8 servings from this group is recommended daily. Eg. 1 slice of bread, 1/2cup cereal or cooked rice or pasta. Replace refined or white bread with  whole wheat bread  and whole grain cereals for fibre and added B-vitamins.

8 Vegetables & fruits:

Veggies and fruits are rich in potassium, magnesium and fibre which are very helpful in lowering blood pressure. Dash diet recommends 4-5 serving daily. 

Eg: One cup raw salad or 1/2cup cooked vegetables or 3/4 cup vegetable juice.

One medium fruit, 1/2cup fruit juice or canned frozen fruit, 1/4 cup dried cup.

Add two servings of vegetables or fruits  in lunch and dinner can help in achieving the target.

8 Low fat dairy foods: 

This include 2-3 serving of low fat or fat free dairy foods providing nutrients like calcium and protein.

Eg: 1cup milk, 1cup yogurt, 1.5 oz cheese.

8 Meat, poultry & Fish:

Rich source for protein and magnesium. Select 2 servings of lean meats,trim away the visible fat & remove skin from poultry. Roast or broil meat instead of frying.

Eg: 3oz cooked meats,poultry and fish.

8 Nuts,seeds and legumes:

This group gives you energy,protein, fibre ,magnesium and potassium. This should be consumed 4-5 servings per week.

Eg 1.5 oz nuts or 2 tbsp seeds or 1/2cup lentils or beans.

8 Fat servings:

Limit added fat up to 2-3 servings. This means 1tsp margarine,butter,mayonnaise or vegetable oil salad dressing.


Rabea Faizan, Nutrition Consultant.