*** Famous Kuwaiti actor nabbed in drug bust | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Famous Kuwaiti actor nabbed in drug bust

Kuwait City : A Kuwaiti actor, described by the country’s Ministry of Interior as a “big drugs supplier,” was arrested this week as he was in the process of preparing a “narcotic substance” with an Iraqi man named as an accomplice.

The Kuwaiti General Directorate for Drug Control received a tip about actor and producer Adel Musallam bringing drugs into the country for the purpose of distribution, the ministry’s PR department said in a statement, noting that the supplier was immediately arrested after the veracity of the information was confirmed.

News and images of the arrest led to buzz on social media, with commenters saying they first thought that the images were taken from a supposed new action drama.

The accused confessed that he had a laboratory that was being used to prepare the drugs, dubbed “spice,” the statement added.

According to the Kuwaiti General Directorate for Drug Control, a large amount of the drugs was seized and the accused also admitted that he was preparing orders to be sent to a European country. 

The accused also revealed that he disguised the drugs as cosmetics, according to the ministry’s statement.

Musallam sparked uproar recently after he presented his Bahraini actress wife, a private jet.