Filipino girl orders food online, 42 riders arrive with parcels due to app glitch
Agencies | Cebu City
The Daily Tribune –
Though food delivery apps offer a simple and easy way to enjoy lip-smacking restaurant platters at home, a technical glitch or a slow internet could make the dining experience far less satisfactory.
This is precisely what happened to a Filipino family, which had more than 40 delivery persons lining up outside their door carrying separate parcels of the same order.
Placing a simple order for lunch, comprising two boxes of fried chicken fillets with fries, with her grandmother, went horribly wrong for a little girl in Cebu City, the Philippines, due to snail-slow internet and the erratic ways of the food app. Soon, the narrow street in Barangay Mabolo that they reside on saw 42 riders of Food Panda arriving, within minutes of each other, with the same order, drawing curious glares from neighbours.
Dann Kayne Suarez, who resides in the locality, went live on Facebook to narrate the incident. He explained that the multiple parcels of the same order were the result of repeated tapping by the girl while the food app wasn’t functioning.
Suarez said the seven-year-old girl had often ordered food for the family while her parents were out at work and nothing like this had ever happened before. As more and more riders kept arriving at the address, many locals volunteered to buy some of the delivered packages, as the order which should have amounted to PHP 189, ballooned to a whopping PHP 7,945 because of the technical glitch.
“I even put it on Live which helped me find more buyers. However, some riders were in a hurry for their next booking, leaving the place without being paid and bringing the unsold items,” Suarez wrote.
“The child cried. I pity her because she did not know what had happened,” Suarez said.
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