*** Tiny bride and her 6ft 1inch husband lives happily ever after | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Tiny bride and her 6ft 1inch husband lives happily ever after

Amanda Fyfe, 31, from Leicestershire, England was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta,  which her made her bones brittle and her growth stunted.

 Doctors reportedly warned her parents that their newborn daughter may not survive even one night.

 However, with the help of a wheelchair, Amanda is now happily married and even gave birth to the couple's son, Aidan, six years ago. 

 In 2007 Amanda and Steven were first introduced at their work place.

 Steven says the height issue doesn't matter and that he's always thought that his wife was out of his league.

 Marrying her 6ft 1in groom was a 'dream come true' for Amanda.


Amanda and Steven at their wedding


Amanda and Steven at their wedding reception


Amanda says marrying Steven was her dream come true


Amanda with her son Aidan