*** ----> Lego slippers to the rescue! | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Lego slippers to the rescue!

Finally there’s a solution for the parents who have experienced the searing pain that occurs while accidentally stepping on a LEGO block.

LEGO brand has teamed up with French advertising agency Brand Station to create some slippers with extra padding that will protect parents from this tortuous, irritating sensation.

But wait! There's more...

According to the French blog Piwee, Brand Station is only producing 1,500 pairs of the slippers, which will be distributed randomly to people who fill out a Christmas wish list on the LEGO France website.

As part of the holiday promotion, Brand Station also shared a video that shows the making of the branded slipper  that  has been met with praises.

Here’s a hope that the product is made available everywhere.

(Huffington Post)