*** ----> Porsche blames Paul Walker for his own death | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Porsche blames Paul Walker for his own death

In its answer to the wrongful death lawsuit filed by late actor Paul Walker’s daughter Meadow, Porsche Cars North America said in court documents filed late last week that the actor’s “death, and all other injuries or damages claimed, were the result of [his] own comparative fault,” gawker.com reported.

According to the suit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court in September, alleging negligence and wrongful death, the Porsche Carrera GT Walker was a passenger in is “a dangerous car that doesn’t belong on the street.”

The Porsche Carrera GT is driven by a 605-horsepower engine capable of reaching speeds of 205 mph. According to the report, the Porsche Technik Service Manual describes the car Walker died in as “a racing car licensed for use on the roads.”

Porsche, Meadow Walker’s suit alleges, failed to install necessary safety features in the car. “Absent these defects in the Porsche Carrera GT, Paul Walker would be alive today.”

Amongst other safety flaws, the lawsuit alleges that the design of the Carrera GT’s seat belts is defective: “This snapped Walker’s torso back with thousands of pounds of force, thereby breaking his ribs and pelvis, flattening his seat and trapping him in a supine position, where he remained alive until the vehicle erupted into flames one minute and 20 seconds later.”

In its response to Meadow Walker’s complaint, Porsche describes her father as “a knowledgeable and sophisticated user of the 2005 Carrera GT.” Porsche also says that the car was “abused and altered” and “misused and improperly maintained.” It seems likely that this is a reference to the fact that investigators determined that the car Walker was a passenger in was driving on a pair of 9-year-old tires.

Both Meadow Walker and Porsche are seeking a juried trial.


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