*** Former woman MP chosen for Arakan Muslims’ cause | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Former woman MP chosen for Arakan Muslims’ cause

Former MP Ebtisam Abdulrahman Hejres has been elected as the Secretary General of the Kingdom of Arakan Organisation.

The organisation was established on November 30 in Sweden, and the United Nations Human Rights Council endorsed its establishment on December 7.

Hejres, who is also a founding member of the Arab Women Parliamentarians Network for Equality, told DT News that it was a matter of honour for Bahrain that a woman was chosen for such a great cause.

Hejres said the Arakan Muslims (Rohingyas) should be treated as human beings and the Myanmar government must initiate a comprehensive dialogue with them without pre-conditions.  

“Its government must understand the more the people are marginalised, the more likely they would start demanding a separate state,” she said. 

She argued that the current living conditions of the Rohingyas are not acceptable by any standard and the international community must look into this matter seriously.

Rohingyas have been the subjected of oppression by the Myanmar government, which denied them even the basic right of citizenship, in spite of their documented presence in the area since 9th century AD. 

“It would also be a test case for the Aung San Suu Kyi’s new government,”  Hejres said.

She said she would try her best to highlight the cause of Rohingyas at all appropriate forums. 

She stated the Myanmar Government should understand the principles of co-existence from Bahrain, where people of various nationalities and religions are living side by side with peace and happiness.