*** The Danger of Falling Masks | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

The Danger of Falling Masks


A few days ago, customers of a Western bank were shocked to find out that their account balances had dropped to “zero”. They faced difficulties accessing their accounts online or via mobile for a duration of eight hours.

Interestingly, the debts owed by the customers didn’t disappear; they were still visible, while their funds seemed to have vanished. Although the systems and accounts returned to normal after the issue was resolved, the incident raised significant questions about the security of bank accounts in the virtual world.

Is it possible for a customer to lose their money, or at least be unable to access it, due to a technical glitch from the bank or any other entity? This incident reminded me of what happened to some bank customers from countries like Russia, China, and others, who woke up to find their assets seized due to the West’s conflicts with their home countries.

It made me wonder—what if we found ourselves at odds with a major power that controls global financial movements? How can we trust these banks after witnessing recent events? Some may argue that international laws and regulations protect us. However, such an argument is naive and unconvincing, especially in an era of blatant double standards.

The strong enforce the law against the weak, while the powerful escape any form of accountability or punishment. The most alarming issue today regarding trust in the international system is the potential impact on us and our children. Today, we all carry phones, computers, tablets, headphones, watches, and dozens of other electronic devices.

We trust them, placing them in our pockets, sleeping beside them, and allowing our children to embrace them. But could we one day become easy targets if the “manufacturer” gets angry at us or dislikes our country’s policies? Could the enemy send us tainted food or medicine through intermediary supply chains, slipping in poisons without us realizing it? This is especially concerning since we now import more than 80 % of our food, medicine, cosmetics, and nearly everything else—a list too long to cover in this space. These questions are not far-fetched or irrational.

They are the most pressing concerns today and require answers that can prepare us for such possibilities. We need practical solutions and alternative options and must rely on ourselves as much as possible, while also forging alliances with true friends and brothers.

Although we may not be able to change the equations to eliminate the greatest risks and ticking time bombs from our homes and our children’s lives, we must strictly and closely monitor everything that comes to us from those whose masks have fallen off and who have openly declared their readiness to kill anyone who opposes them.

A major earthquake is shaking the moral foundations, but its impact has yet to be measured. The consequences will stretch into a new era that goes beyond the post-technological stage. We may even revert to pre-industrial times, albeit in a form and pattern that I cannot describe or predict. However, what is certain is that the face of the world will change, and the future is unlikely to be any better than the past.


(Captain Mahmood Al Mahmood is the Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Tribune and the President of the Arab-African Unity Organisation for Relief, Human Rights and Counterterrorism)