*** Patient safety is in our hands | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Patient safety is in our hands


I did not know that there was a World Patient Safety & Quality Day until the American Mission Hospital marked the occasion. Sure, you and I walk into a doctor’s clinic or a healthcare hub expecting our ailment to be treated successfully – but since hospitals and clinics are by their nature, breeding ground for cross-infection, it makes sense that all stakeholders should be alert to the danger of patients picking up infections since they have compromised immune systems.

For instance, in ICUs, patients have a 5 to 10 times higher risk of acquiring an HAI – healthcare associated infection – which may arise from the administration of medical devices like catheters, ventilators etc.

The theme this year was “Improving Diagnosis for Patient Safety,” emphasized the critical role of accurate and timely diagnosis in enhancing patient safety. Medical technology is an evolving science which changes literally every day and diagnostic tools are the arsenal which doctors use to unravel the mysteries of the afflictions of patients.

A good hospital does not stintin its diagnostic equipment or training of doctors and in Bahrain the NHRA encourages even smaller clinics to use the vast re - sources of the major hospitals so that patients get the correct and timely treatment.

We also have strong and sensible guidelines that prevent visitors from crowding the wards and tiring out patients, stop children from being brought as visitors and exposed to infections. As with airport security, the final beneficiary is ourselves and we should look at hospital rules as an investment in the safety of patients.

The Bahrain Ministry of Health is swift to investigate complaints of misdiagnosis or wrong treatment and set up guardrails to prevent repeated violations of patient safety.

Here’s wishing you all a healthy visit to the doctor! 

(Captain Mahmood Al Mahmood is the Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Tribune and the President of the ArabAfrican Unity Organisation for Relief, Human Rights and Counterterrorism)


Captain Mahmood Al Mahmood is the Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Tribune