*** Election success reflects patriotism | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Election success reflects patriotism

Nearly 68 per cent of the voters came to polling booths to exercise their democratic rights on the elections day. This shows the seriousness a large number of citizens attach to the democratic process. These successful elections will undoubtedly add one more feather to Bahrain’s cap.

I am pretty sure that the country will see more success in terms of voters and participating candidates in turn fostering the democratic process. It is a matter of fact that a large number of voters were unhappy with the previous term lawmakers, simply because they failed to address or attend to the issues faced by the voters in their constituencies.

I hope it won’t happen this time. With many youthful and women faces among the winners, the fresh blood infused into the parliament will make it more accountable and dynamic. Parliamentarians should be aware that their jobs are not mere jobs, but an act of service through which they should aim at bringing prosperity and welfare to the society.

I wish all the winners the very best to carry out their duties in turn bringing smiles in the faces of people, who voted for them, after bestowing huge trust.

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