*** ----> Yellow Vests have reasons to protest | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Yellow Vests have reasons to protest

Who are the Yellow Vest protestors and what are they fighting for? Seeing these images and articles come up constantly in my social media newsfeeds made me curious. After some googling, I found out the movement started in France and read their manifesto. The Yellow Vests in France are fighting for many things and a few stuck out to me. Raising the minimum wage, proper conditions for asylum seekers, minimum amounts for pensions, higher taxes for wealthy individuals, and higher corporate taxes. These are all fairly left-wing ideas and most of the ideologies are ones that I support. The world countries are becoming more and more capitalistic, which means the authorities are no longer bothered about the lives of common man. It’s high time the world communities find a solution to poverty, high inequality, unemployment and other situations that ruin mankind. Or else such protests will arise across the world, eventually swallowing the existing system of governance, especially in Western countries.