Ramadan, a month of patience
The days of fasting in Ramadan are moving with a great pace; drew near to the last ten. At this time, it would be better for the believers to know how to derive all the merits out of fasting. The most important merits of fasting are to achieve piety or self restraint and patience by means of self-controlling or by willpower. Quran says: “O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may ( learn) Self-restraint” .
(2:183). Fasting, according to Islam, is abstaining from all lawful and unlawful things with intention (Niyyath) from dawn to dusk for a period of one full lunar month. Abstaining from lawful and unlawful things is possible for a believer by means of submitting their wills to the Will of Allah. This in fact strengthens or increases our endurance. This endurance or patience is what a believer rehearses during the month of fasting. Here it is worthwhile to mention the words of the Prophet (S) about Ramadan Fasting: “Ramadan is the month of Patience or Sabr”.
There are many verses in the Quran mentioning about the reward promised to those believers who endure with patience towards the cause of their Lord of the Worlds, Allah. Some of those verses are shown here: “Those who patiently persevere will truly receive a reward without measure”! (39:10) “Peace unto you for that ye preserved in patience! Now how excellent is the final Home! (13:24) O ye who believe! Persevere in patience and constancy; vie in such perseverance; strengthen each other; and fear God; that ye may prosper”.
(3:199) But the worth of patience should be applied at the beginning of disaster and not at the end. This is what we can understand from the words of the Prophet of Allah (S): He said: “Verily the patience is at the first stroke of a calamity”. ( Bukhari and Muslim). Lack of patience is the root cause of all problems of human being. But fasting person with true faith cannot, but endure with patience at all times especially when he comes across hateful and provoking situations. If his reactions in such a hateful situation are tit for tat towards the infuriating or aggravating person, his fasting would be invalidated. He should control his tongue and other organs not to fly out of his control.
If he fails to control his sense of organs, his fasting will fetch no reward from Allah. It is opportune to mention the words of the Prophet (S) : “ If any one does not abandon falsehood in words and deeds, Allah has no need for his abandoning his food and drink.” (Bukhari) A believer, who is fully aware of all invalidating factors of fasting, cannot, but apply the principle of “toleration” for the sake of Allah’s reward in the Hereafter,. He would say “I am fasting” His Lord, Allah knows that his endurance with patience in such a circumstance is great thing and for which Allah offered him Paradise.
Allah says: And will reward them for what they patiently endured (with) a garden (in Paradise) silk (garments).” 76:12). In a nutshell, it is needless to point out that Muslims, during this month, should devote their time in reading and grasping the meaning of the Quran. Once they dip into the contents of the Quran, they can understand that it teaches patience, tolerance, purity, sanctity and piety and desert all that damages the souls of men; a true characteristic of right and wrong.
But one cannot possess these qualities without proper divine training. This training is what a believer gets during the month of Ramadan fasting. Whoever is victorious from this training could be seen with a life of reversal after Ramadan which would blossom in the Paradise.
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