*** ----> Tackling terror, a joint responsibility | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Tackling terror, a joint responsibility

By Mohammed Ashir

We are living in one of the most difficult times with terror elements targeting peaceful human lives from all corners.

The recent attack on the UAE by Houthis only calls for more global attention into the issue, which could grow into an Armageddon if not controlled instantly.

What I don’t understand is the lack of attention from the part of world leaders to put a full stop on the activities of terror outfits.

Terrorists and their vast global networks now rely on online communication technologies and this has made things easier for them to spread their propaganda.

It is understandable that the basic responsibility for combating crime and safeguarding the people and property lies with the concerned country. But, the recent years of experience shows us the immediate requirement from the part of world leaders to shoulder the responsibility together. Either we will victor or vanish alike.

The global community now faces a rising danger from terrorists as no-one knows when the weapons of mass destruction would fall into their hands. These weapons can be nuclear, radiological, chemical or biological or any other capable of harming a large number of people.

If they attacked the UAE yesterday, today or tomorrow, the attack could be on us, the people in Bahrain. No country in the world is free from the threat posed by terrorist outfits. So the nations have to remain prepared while co-operating on each and every level to end the scourge of terrorism.