*** ----> School fee misery | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

School fee misery

Dear Editor

I really appreciate your reports on tough situations faced by parents who struggle to pay children’s school fees in this pandemic period.

We suffer a lot in the present days to manage our daily requirements. Several times we have approached the school management requesting a reduction in the fees, but we never got a favourable stand from them. School owners and teachers say they are unsure if they can count on things to get better with time.

The economic distress that followed the pandemic and the subsequent lockdown has left several parents struggling to pay fees and worried about children’s education.

I have some suggestions to the school authorities; schools should do their best to help parents who find themselves struggling to pay fees by offering delayed or staged payments schemes or absolute waiver.

The media, like how The Daily Tribune reported, should take necessary steps through their reports and conduct campaigns against fee hike or forced fee collection. Hope my views will be heard by the authorities concerned.

Hemalatha K