*** ----> Bahraini women take the lead | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini women take the lead

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

As the world gets ready to celebrate International Women’s Day and set new goals for empowering women, our Kingdom has led the way with a Perfect 100 over two years.

A series of well-thought-out and carefully crafted legal steps have ensured that women in Bahrain are guaranteed equality in pay and entrepreneurship as well as a choice of employment.

The findings were part of a World Bank Group report titled Women, Business and the Law 2022.

In clearing the ground for better economic participation, Bahrain’s leaders have not only acknowledged the power of women to lead in national development but also re-aligned factors with new parameters – women today are better educated, Bahrain has a strong thrust in knowledge economy and years of encouraging women entrepreneurs has paid off with amazing success for women in Bahrain.

And it is not just Bahraini women who have found success – Bahrain’s laws treat all women equally, regardless of their nationality.

Working women, whether Bahraini or expat, get equal maternity benefits, the workplace offers equal pay for work of equal value to all women and women entrepreneurs from all countries are encouraged to follow their dreams and make a mark.

One of the key factors in shaping the vision for women’s development has been the seminal work of the Supreme Council for Women (SCW).

Women’s role in national progress is closely tied to cultural expectations and changing conditions.

There is no ‘one size fits all approach. The SCW’s emphasis on respecting Bahraini women’s role as the centre of family unity and building a system where they can thrive as family leaders as well as business and professional leaders has been the touchstone for development for Bahrain.

Bahrain has always watched and learnt what to use and what to discard from the experience of other countries in marking women’s progress.

The fact that it was women who set the benchmarks also led to a more balanced development of women’s rights and freedom in Bahrain.

I always maintain that Bahrain has much to teach the world – and in this case, Bahraini women have shown us the way!

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