*** ----> Celebrations in times of concern | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Celebrations in times of concern


You have to admit it – the weather in Bahrain has not yet built up to that December nip which denotes winter.

It has a balmy pleasantness which will make for a wonderful December 16 weekend if the rains hold off.

Our beloved Kingdom’s streets are lit with the familiar glow of red and white, which is also a pleasant reminder of Christmas that comes ten days later.

Hotels and malls have put up X’mas trees and every bakery has gingerbread men marching in a row.

But switch on the television or even browse on your smartphone and the headlines about the state-sponsored terror unleashed by Israel on Gaza makes one realise that we are living in parallel worlds.

For the families in Gaza, the days and nights are punctured with terror.

Everyday brings a new challenge as they navigate new losses – no basic support because water tanks and electricity transformers have been bombed, homes reduced to rubble and hospitals demolished.

 While some countries are still supporting this inexcusable genocide on the flimsiest of grounds, others are gathering resources and doing their best to reach aid to the Palestinians.

The reason I found myself reflecting on this is that we ourselves are approaching a celebratory milestone in our national life – the 52nd Bahraini National Day.

It is natural for thinking persons to wonder if it is alright to be in a joyful mood when there is so much suffering just a couple of countries away?

My answer to this is that we must strengthen our own people’s patriotism and resolve and National Day is a reminder of all that we have to be thankful for and which we must transform into memories to cherish all our lives.

At the same time, we must remember that Bahrain has consistently been one of the voices for peace in Gaza and collected and sent much-needed supplies and aid to the beleaguered Palestinians.

What we can do is perhaps find a meaningful middle path – enjoy our National Day and the festive season to the fullest but also set aside our personal contribution in support of the Palestinians.

That way we can offer much-needed healing and also nurture our future generations.

(Captain Mahmood Al Mahmood is the Editor-inChief of The Daily Tribune and the President of the Arab-African Unity Organisation for Relief, Human Rights and Counterterrorism)