*** ----> Karachi Heatwave Sends Body Count Soaring | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Karachi Heatwave Sends Body Count Soaring

TDT | Karachi

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

As temperatures in southern Pakistan reached scorching highs, Karachi witnessed a surge in deaths, straining morgues and hospitals.

The Edhi ambulance service, which typically transports 30 to 40 bodies to the city morgue daily, reported a staggering increase. Over the past six days, they collected a total of 568 bodies, with a single day, Tuesday, seeing a peak of 141 deaths.

While officials are still determining the exact cause of death in each case, the drastic rise coincides with a brutal heatwave that gripped Karachi. The city endured temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit), with high humidity making it feel even hotter, reaching a sweltering 49 degrees Celsius (120 degrees Fahrenheit).

Hospitals across Karachi have been overwhelmed with patients suffering from heatstroke. Civil Hospital Karachi, for instance, admitted 267 people for heatstroke treatment between Sunday and Wednesday, according to Dr. Imran Sarwar Sheikh, the head of the emergency department. Tragically, twelve of these patients succumbed to the heat.

The scorching temperatures pose a significant health risk, urging residents to take precautions. Staying hydrated, avoiding strenuous activity during peak heat hours, and seeking air-conditioned spaces are crucial measures to prevent heatstroke and its potentially fatal consequences.