*** Meryl Streep says a 'squirrel has more rights' than an Afghan girl | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Meryl Streep says a 'squirrel has more rights' than an Afghan girl

AFP | United Nations, United States

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

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American actor Meryl Streep has said a "squirrel has more rights" than a girl in Afghanistan, adding her voice to a call by Afghan women to end the Taliban government's severe restrictions on their lives.

Taliban authorities have implemented an austere interpretation of Islamic law since returning to power in Afghanistan in August 2021 following the withdrawal of US-led forces. Women and girls have borne the brunt of restrictions -- including being barred from public parks, universities and singing in public -- which the United Nations has labeled "gender apartheid".

"A squirrel has more rights than a girl in Afghanistan today because the public parks have been closed to women and girls by the Taliban," Streep said on Monday during a discussion on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York.

"A bird may sing in Kabul, but a girl may not, and a woman may not in public," the Oscar-winning actor said. "I feel that the international community as a whole, if they came together, could affect change in Afghanistan, and stop the slow suffocation of an entire half (of ) the population."

The Taliban government, which is yet to be recognized by any other country, published a widely criticized law in August further tightening restrictions on women's lives.

While many of the measures had been informally enforced since the Taliban's takeover in 2021, their formal codification sparked an outcry from the international community and rights groups.

The "vice and virtue" law dictates that a woman's voice should not be raised outside the home and that women should not sing or read poetry aloud. It requires them to cover their entire body and face if they need to leave their homes, which they should only do "out of necessity".