*** Russian Parliament ratifies defense treaty with North Korea | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Russian Parliament ratifies defense treaty with North Korea

TDT | agencies                                              

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com


Russian lawmakers voted  unanimously on Thursday to ratify a strategic partnership agreement between Russia and North Korea that, among other things, provides for “mutual assistance” if either country comes under attack. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the agreement with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un during a visit to the isolated East Asian country in June, but many details remain unclear, including whether Pyongyang would be covered by Moscow’s nuclear umbrella.

The treaty allegedly includes a “secret clause” allowing North Korea to send soldiers to the battlefields of Ukraine, the Wall Street Journal  reported  this week, citing an anonymous ex-Russian intelligence officer.

That report came as Western officials said Pyongyang had sent around 3,000 troops for military training in Siberia.