*** Israel’s actions against Iran denounced; Immediate de-escalation urged | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Israel’s actions against Iran denounced; Immediate de-escalation urged

TDT | Manama                                                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com


The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations, including Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, issued a firm condemnation of Israel’s recent military actions against Iran, calling for an urgent halt to hostilities to prevent further destabilization in the region.

The statements, released on Saturday, emphasized the shared concerns of GCC member states over the escalating tensions and the potential impact on Middle Eastern stability.


The Kingdom of Bahrain’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a strong response, expressing deep concern about the ongoing hostilities and their potential repercussions for regional security.

The ministry reiterated Bahrain’s call for the international community to take responsibility for ensuring a comprehensive, immediate, and lasting ceasefire in the region.

The statement said Bahrain urged all involved parties to exercise restraint and prioritise de-escalation efforts to prevent further spread of war and conflict.


It stressed the need to revive peace negotiations to achieve regional security and stability, supporting the right of all people in the region to live in safety, peace, and prosperity.

Through the statement, the Kingdom also called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and southern Lebanon, emphasising the importance of protecting civilians and the safe return of displaced individuals. It urged the release of hostages and detainees, unobstructed delivery of humanitarian aid, and full implementation of relevant UN Security Council resolutions regarding Gaza.

Additionally, the statement said Bahrain called for adherence to Security Council Resolution 1701 on Lebanon, compliance with the Taif Agreement, and an end to the cycle of violence and reciprocal escalation to maintain peace and security in the Middle East and the world.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia echoed Bahrain’s sentiments, condemning the Israeli attacks on Iran as a clear violation of Iran’s sovereignty and a breach of international law.

The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned of the grave consequences that continued violence could have on regional security and called on all parties to exercise maximum restraint.

Saudi Arabia urged influential members of the international community to step up their efforts in de-escalating the crisis, underlining the importance of ending hostilities to prevent further harm to the region and its people.


In a parallel statement, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) also voiced its condemnation of the aggression against Iran, highlighting the destabilizing effects of such military actions.

The UAE’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed the need for all parties to act with caution, urging a commitment to international law and respect for national sovereignty.

The UAE also emphasized the importance of pursuing diplomatic solutions to prevent further escalation, advocating for a peaceful resolution of disputes to ensure long-term regional stability.

Kuwait, Oman, Qatar

Other GCC countries, including Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar, also expressed strong condemnation of Israel’s actions. Kuwait’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized the attack on Iran as a violation of international law, describing Israel’s approach as one that threatens the future of the region’s people.

Kuwait called for decisive action from the international community and the United Nations Security Council to restore regional security.

The Sultanate of Oman issued a statement condemning the Israeli airstrike on Iranian soil, calling it a violation of international law that risks exacerbating instability in the Middle East.

Oman urged for an international response to halt the violence and advocated for resolving regional issues through diplomacy and dialogue.

Additionally, Oman reaffirmed its commitment to the two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as outlined in the Arab Peace Initiative.


Meanwhile, Qatar strongly condemned Israel’s reported actions at Kamal Adwan Hospital in Gaza, where Israeli forces allegedly detained civilians and restricted access to essential resources. Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged the global community to protect vulnerable individuals caught in the conflict.

In the united call for peace, the GCC countries emphasized the need for restraint, adherence to international law, and diplomatic engagement as means to resolve the crisis.

The GCC’s collective stance underlined their commitment to fostering lasting peace and stability in the Middle East, urging immediate action to prevent a worsening humanitarian crisis and promote a secure environment for all in the region.