In solidarity

Bahrain Minister of Foreign Affairs Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa participated in the extraordinary meeting of the Council of Arab League at the ministerial level here yesterday.

The meeting discussed the attacks on the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Tehran and its Consulate in Mashhad and issued a decision in which it condemned the assaults and held the Islamic Republic of Iran responsible for the attacks urging it to commit itself to the international accords and conventions, notably the Vienna convention on diplomatic relations of 1961 and the accord on consulate relations of 1963.

The resolution condemned the hostile and stirring Iranian statements against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with regard to the execution of the judicial rulings against a number of terrorists, dubbing it a blatant interference in the Saudi judiciary and the Kingdom’s domestic affairs in a clear violation of the United Nations Charter.

In this context, the Council affirmed full solidarity with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in confronting the hostile and provocative acts of the Islamic Republic of Iran and vowed to support its efforts to combat terrorism and reinforce regional security and stability.

The decision also slammed Iran’s continued meddling in the domestic affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain and propping up terrorists groups which pose a threat to its security and stability, pointing out to Bahrain’s recent abortion of a terrorist plot intending to carry out bombings and its arrest of a new terrorist cell backed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Hezbollah.

The Council rejected the continued interference by the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the internal affairs of the Arab countries over the past decades, underling that such tendency would shake security and stability in the Gulf region and represent a clear encroachment on the International law and principles of good neighbourliness.

It urged the Iranian government to halt its hostile provocative acts and statements, which jeopardise regional security and

The Council also denounced Iran’s continued occupation of the three United Arab Emirates islands of Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs and affirmed UAE’s absolute and full sovereignty on these territories, renewing its support for all the measures and peaceful means that the UAE may take or adopt to regain control of its occupied islands in accordance with the rules of the International law.

The Council also condemned the Iranian interference in the Syrian crisis with all its grave repercussions on the country’s security, future and territorial integrity. The Council also condemned Iran’s nosing in the Yemeni issue.