*** This story of a male-rape victim is shocking | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

This story of a male-rape victim is shocking

It is true that men get raped and sadly, most of them suffer in silence.

This post from the photoblog ‘Humans of Bombay’, about a man who was raped by his uncle for years as a child will make you shudder.

“My uncle was giving me a bath when I was 7 years old, and that’s when it first happened. At that point, I didn’t know what was happening to me, whether it was ok, whether it was normal. I got so used to it. At 12, I began to get gang-raped by his friends, and I would bleed but keep quiet. My childhood went by having two worlds where I would not remember the rape until something triggered it off and then I would cry endlessly. I would not enter a male washroom because I was scared that I would be raped again…I grew up having no self esteem.

It was when I was 17 or 18 that I began to understand that what had been happening to me for so many years was wrong–so one day when he came to jump on me, I kicked him and said no. For the first time in 11 years, I said no to being raped. When I told my mother, she was in shock–she asked me why I hadn’t told her. I told her I had given her signs, that I had tried but she never picked up on it. She said, ‘I never knew such things could happen with boys’ and that was the time I realised that boys and men are the forgotten gender. We get abused, but we have no right to voice it because we’re supposed to be the protectors. The victims of ‘masculinity’ are men themselves. I have been bullied for many years for my sexual orientation as well, but when I told my story the same classmates who laughed at me became my biggest strength and helped me to cope with my childhood.

We tried to get some legal help but we realised that there’s no law against child sexual abuse for boys in the country. By the time I was 18, no laws applied to my case — so there was no justice. That’s when I decided that I would make the motto of my life to protect other children from sexual abuse.

So I’ve been through 11 years of hell but I don’t think the world is a bad place. I thank my bullies, because they got me here — where I have the opportunity to touch other’s lives. I believe that hate only destroys the hater, not the hated — so I don’t think I hate my uncle. To me, he doesn’t exist. Infact If I could, I would send a therapist to help him. I’m not going to spend the rest of my life waiting for him to suffer– I can never get those 11 years back, but I do have a lifetime ahead of me to protect the rights of children and women, and that’s the path I’ve proudly chosen.”

Bahrain had endorsed a child protection law in 2012, that formed a general framework for all aspects of child protection.