*** Couple jumps into well, girl survives | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Couple jumps into well, girl survives

A couple tried to commit suicide by leaping into a well after their parents refused to let them get married, Gossip C Lanka reported.

S. Kumar, the 19-year-old victim and Yogarasa Anushiya, aged 21, had been in love and when they informed the parents about their desire to marry. They parents refused as the girl was 2 years older to the boy.

The two eloped from home and decided to commit suicide and jumped into the well.

The boy died as water had entered his lungs but the girl survived by hanging onto a pipeline inside the well.

The neighbours informed their parents that the couple had been standing near a well.

In an attempt to save both, the parents leaped into the well, police said.